Decision details

Contract Modification for Planned Cyclical Maintenance Contracts

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Modification of the Planned Cyclical Maintenance Contracts to include the installation of new fire door sets to 2 high rise blocks of flats, Brook House and Crompton House located within the Scholes village.


The Portfolio Holder – Housing and Welfare:- 

(1)     approves the contract modification to the Planned Cyclical Maintenance Contracts for both Baas Construction Ltd and A Connolly Ltd to undertake the installation of fire door sets to two high rise blocks, Brook House and Crompton House at Scholes Village;

(2)     delegates authority to the Director – Place to take all steps necessary to facilitate the delivery of the contract modification, including but not limited to, any permitted contract modifications or variations; and

(3)     delegates authority to the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections to enter into any agreements on behalf of the Council necessary to facilitate 1.


Open/Closed: Closed - Reason 3;

Other reasons / organisations consulted


Contact: Brian Hampson, Team Leader Asset Management Email:, Paul Simmons, Commissioning Officer Email: Tel: 01942 827 671.

Publication date: 29/11/2024

Date of decision: 28/11/2024

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