Issue - meetings

Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions

Meeting: 13/11/2024 - Confident Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 17)

Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions:

Please find attached a link to the Council’s Forward Plan, which details the forthcoming Key and Non-Key decisions that are due to be taken by the Cabinet, a Member of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holder) or a Designated Officer relating to the service areas of this Committee, at this time: Forward Plan of Key/Non-Key Decisions.


The Committee considered the Council’s Forward Plan of forthcoming key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, an Individual Portfolio Holder or delegated officers, in relation to the Resources Directorate.


Resolved: The Committee notes the forthcoming decisions, with no items being requested to be placed on a future agenda of the Committee.


Meeting: 11/11/2024 - Confident Council Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions:

Please find attached a link to the Council’s Forward Plan, which details the forthcoming Key and Non-Key decisions that are due to be taken by the Cabinet, a Member of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holder) or a Designated Officer relating to the service areas of this Committee, at this time: Forward Plan of Key/Non-Key Decisions.


The Committee considered the Council’s Forward Plan of forthcoming key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, an Individual Portfolio Holder or delegated officers, in relation to the Resources Directorate.


Resolved: The Committee notes the forthcoming decisions, with no items being requested to be placed on a future agenda of the Committee.

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Confident Council Scrutiny Committee (Item 4)

Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions:

Please find attached a link to the Council’s Forward Plan, which details the forthcoming Key and Non-Key decisions that are due to be taken by the Cabinet, a Member of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holder) or a Designated Officer relating to the service areas of this Committee, at this time: Forward Plan of Key/Non-Key Decisions.


The Committee considered the Council’s Forward Plan of forthcoming key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, an Individual Portfolio Holder or delegated officers, in relation to the Resources Directorate.


Resolved: The Committee notes the forthcoming decisions, with no items being requested to be placed on a future agenda of the Committee.



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