Issue - meetings

Wellbeing and Supporting Attendance

Meeting: 11/11/2024 - Confident Council Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 Wellbeing and Supporting Attendance pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Report of Assistant Director - HR & OD is attached.

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The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Assistant Director – HR & OD, Lisa Selby, presented by the Assistant Director and the Service Lead – HR & OD, Vicki Lowe, which provided an update on the impact of the supporting attendance approach with details of the progress and further enhancements that had been made to the Council’s staff wellbeing offer.


Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:


?           the effect of mental health issues on the workplace;

?           improvement in special leave including leave for carers; and

?           the wellbeing offer for Elected Members.


The Assistant Director – HR & OD set the context of Wigan’s offer to support attendance within Wigan council and a refreshed approach to seeking to enable early intervention and support to help keep staff in work, and support those who were absent, to return. A response was also provided in recognition of stereotype in respect of men’s health and take up of access to mental health support nationally and how the Council have sought to address this and the interventions that have been put in place. It was recognised that mental health was as important as the physical health of employees and the focus had been on improving this by introducing and independent phone line for employees, staff network groups and mental health champions etc throughout the Council.


There was also recognition of wider support including menopause, guidance, signposting and tools to support the workforce.


The Service Lead – HR & OD advised Members that there had been a significant increase in staff taking carers leave to support family members, partners and parents who could not cope without their support. There had been a greater awareness of this support option as a result of the supported attendance approach and the conversations that managers had been having with their staff. The number of days allowed for special leave had been increased from 6 to 10 days to support staff with personal life circumstances that had impacted on their wellbeing.


The Committee was also informed that many elements of the staff wellbeing offer were also available to Councillors.


Resolved: The Committee:-


(1)      thanks the officers for their report and presentation; and

(2)      endorses the work being undertaken in relation to the Council’s Supporting                Attendance approach and wellbeing offer.




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