Issue - meetings
Events Team Review
Meeting: 11/11/2024 - Confident Council Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)
13 Events Team Review and Future Plan PDF 208 KB
Report of Director - Strategy and Innovation is
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Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
? the impact of the concerts held at Robin Park and possibilities for Leigh;
? the positive impact of the locally held community events; and
? how local businesses could support events going forward.
The Service Manager informed the Committee that plans had been ongoing for a series of concert at Robin Park in 2025. The former Events Manager had now moved to a post at Leigh Sports Village (LSV) and whilst it had been difficult to find substantial gaps in the use of the venue, officers were hopeful of something similar to the Wigan concerts at LSV in 2026.
The Service Manager advised Members that the Events Team had continued to deliver against the Council’s ambitions by creating diverse, inclusive events and festivals with all members of the community. The programme planned for 2025/26 had provided opportunities to attract visitors and investors enabling each town and neighbourhood to improve their health and wellbeing, and included Wigan and Leigh Pride, Wigan 10K, Leigh Leopards Fan Zones and the Wigan Run Festival amongst others.
The Service Manager informed Members that a menu of sponsorship packages had been identified for local businesses to promote their brand. This had been planned for the coming months with the aim to secure significant investment and sponsorship for the 2025/26 programme.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officer for her report;
(2) endorses the proposed events programme for 2025/26; and
(3) supports the progressing of Events Team plans towards 2030.