Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN. View directions

Contact: Kaan Sahin 

No. Item


Apologies for absence:

Members are requested to advise the Democratic Services Officer of any apologies for this meeting.


Councillors Fish and Smith.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 219 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2024 are attached.


20 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Planning Related Items pdf icon PDF 614 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the planning and related applications that had been submitted to the Council.




(1)    The decisions of the Committee on the planning and related applications are set out in the attached schedule;


(2)    In respect of application A/22/92968/FULL, creation of new vehicular access road following demolition of existing dwelling, the Officer’s recommendation was to approve the application.


The Committee resolved to refused the application for the following reason:-


-         The development would result in harm to an area of open space, identified as 'Amenity Green Space - 27. Whelley Loop Line Linear Walkway’ in the Standish Neighbourhood Plan, due to the loss of part of that Amenity Green Space.  As it would also not enhance the remaining area of Amenity Green Space, or a nearby Amenity Green Space, to a sufficient degree to offset this harm, the proposal is contrary to ‘Policy OS4: Amenity Green Spaces’ of the Standish Neighbourhood Plan, to the detriment of amenity green space provision and the objective of encouraging informal recreation use to improve health and wellbeing.


The motion to refuse the application was proposed by Councillor Flynn for the reasons outlined above and seconded by Councillor Gerrard.


(3)    In respect of application A/23/96541/MAJOR, residential development of 57 dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping, infrastructure and associated works following demolition of 71 Pepper Lane, the Officer’s recommendation was to approve the application.


The Committee resolved to refused the application for the following reasons:-


(i).           The proposed development, in combination with planning permissions already granted, would result in 1,728 dwellings having been granted planning permission on Safeguarded Land in Standish.  This is materially in excess of the approximately 1,000 dwellings to the year 2026 envisaged in Wigan Local Plan Core Strategy Policy SP4, such that the development does not reflect the overall scale and form of development envisaged in the Standish broad location.  The proposal is therefore contrary to Wigan Local Plan Core Strategy Policy SP4 ‘Broad locations for new development’.


(ii).           The development proposed would give rise to additional demand on infrastructure and services within the Standish locality.  Not all of the necessary infrastructure works required through legal agreements for the level of housing approved on Safeguarded Land within the Standish Neighbourhood Area have been completed and implemented at this time.  Furthermore, it has not been demonstrably evidenced through the application that the development proposed could be accommodated across the full range of transport, health, education, open space, community and utility infrastructure without detriment to the character and wellbeing of Standish as a viable sustainable place to live, work and visit.  The development proposed is therefore contrary to clauses ii) and iii) of Policy H1: ‘Sustainable Housing Growth’ of the Standish Neighbourhood Plan.


The motion to refuse the application was proposed by Councillor Flynn for the reasons outlined above and seconded by Councillor Dawber.





A/22/92968/FULL:             Creation of new vehicular access road following demolition of existing dwelling.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Adopted Supplementary Planning Document on Travel Plans pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Planning and Regeneration is attached.


The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Assistant Director – Planning and Regeneration, David Proctor, presented by the Team Leader – Transport Policy, Steven Riley, which advised on the adoption of the new Supplementary Planning Document (SDP) on Travel Plans from 24 July 2024.


During its discussions, the Committee raised the following salient points:


  • whether it was possible to see tangible results; and
  • whether this related only to planning matters.


The Team Leader advised the Committee that the adopted SPD had not been applied to any applications since its approval, so there were no results yet. The Assistant Director informed Members that the adopted SPD had broken new ground and the aim of the service was to direct the positive levels of engagement seen in other projects, such as cycle three sisters, into new housing developments across the Borough.


The Team Leader informed the Committee that the adopted SPD was only for Planning and other areas, such as schools, had their own plans and workstreams.


Resolved: The Committee:-


(1)       thanks the Team Leader for his presentation; and

(2)       notes the contents of the reports.



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