Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN. View directions

Contact: Nick Higham 

No. Item


Apologies for absence:

Members are requested to advise the Democratic Services Officer of any apologies for this meeting.


Councillors Bullen, Cunliffe and Prescott. 


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 117 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2024 are attached.


The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Executive Leader.


Exclusion of the Public: pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The Cabinet is asked to consider whether by resolution to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.


Resolved: That the public is excluded from the meeting when the Cabinet discusses the following item for the reason set out below:-



item No.

Title of report



Description of exempt information by reference to the paragraph number in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972



Budget Amendments and Contract Modification for the Construction of the Extra Care Scheme at Meadowview Court, Shevington


(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



Contract Modification Report for the Construction of 47 Dwellings at the Former Ince St Marys school Site, Wigan


(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



567 Supported Accommodation: Homeless and Supported Accommodation Service.


(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



EICR Periodic Inspection and Testing 2024/28


(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)



Wigan Pier, Pottery Road, Wigan


(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


(5) Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings




Financial Monitoring Q2 pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Legal is attached. 


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, Tony Clark, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Transformation, Councillor Nazia Rehman, and the which reported on the revenue position at the end of Quarter Two 2024/25 and the use of reserves.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was not required as no vulnerable groups were impacted upon by any decision within the report. A Relevance Check was attached.


There were alternative options to be considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet endorses the monitoring position for Quarter Two. 


Treasury Management Half Year Review pdf icon PDF 404 KB

 Report of the Director – Finance and Legal is attached.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Finance and Transformation, which provided an update on the half yearly position on the delegated Treasury Management Activity together with the Capital Programme position as at end of September 2024.


The report was considered by the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee at its meeting on 7 November 2024 (minute 35 refers), and would also be considered by Council at its meeting on 22 January 2025.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was not required as no vulnerable groups were impacted upon by any decision within the report. A Relevance Check was attached.


There were alternative options to be considered, as the report was best practice.


Resolved: The Cabinet endorses to Council for approval:-


(1)  the Treasury Management Position; and

(2)  the adoption of the amended Capital Programme. 


Budget Amendments and Contract Modification for the Construction of the Extra Care Scheme at Meadowview Court, Shevington

Report of the Director – Place is attached.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Place, Aidan Thatcher, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare, Councillor Susan Gambles, which sets out changes to the cost of the construction of the scheme and sought approval for budget amendments and variations to the contract to retrospectively take account of the changes.


The Portfolio Holder referred to the main points within the report.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was not required. A Relevance Check was attached.


The report set out details of the alternative options that were considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet approves:-


(1)  the retrospective cost variation to the contract and increase in costs for the construction of the 32 new homes as detailed within the report; and

(2)  the associated amendment to the Housing Revenue Capital Programme in relation to the approved total scheme cost budget.



Contract Modification Report for the Construction of 47 Dwellings at the Former Ince St Marys School Site, Wigan

Report of the Director – Place is attached. 


Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Place, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare, which sought approval for budget amendments and related contract variations to the scheme to build 47 Passivhaus properties at the former St Mary’s school site, Ince.


The Portfolio Holder referred to the main points within the report.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was completed at the time of the Cabinet approval to award the contract to deliver the scheme. A Relevance Check was attached.


The report set out details of the alternative options that were considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet approves:-


(1)  the retrospective cost variation to the contract and increase in costs for the construction of the 47 new homes as detailed in the report; and

(2)  the associated amendment to the Housing Revenue Capital Programme in relation to the approved total scheme cost budget.



567 Supported Accommodation: Homeless and Supported Accommodation Service.

Report of the Director – Place is attached. 


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Place, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare, which sought approval to award the contract for the provision of Supported Accommodation Services following a competitive tender process.


The Portfolio Holder referred to the main points within the report.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was attached.


The report set out details of the alternative options that were considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet approves:-


(1)  the award of the provision of Supported Accommodation: Homeless and Supported Accommodation contract to the providers named within the report for an initial period of 3 years with an option to extend annually for a further two years; and

(2) the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections to enter into any necessary legal documentation to give effect to (1).



EICR Periodic Inspection and Testing 2024/28

Report of the Director – Place is attached.  


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Place, presented by the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare, which sought approval to appoint two successful contractors to undertake planned and responsive electrical works to Wigan Council’s housing portfolio, following a competition through Lot 19 Electrical Testing and Installation Works Northwest, including North Wales of the Procure Plus Installation and Repair Framework 2023.


The Portfolio Holder referred to the main points within the report.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was attached.


The report set out details of the alternative options that were considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet approves:-


(1)  the appointment of the two successful Contractors identified within the report to undertake planned and responsive electrical works to Wigan Council’s housing portfolio on the terms described;

(2)  the delegation of authority to the Director – Place to take all steps necessary to facilitate the delivery of the contract, including but not limited to, any permitted contract modifications or variations; and

(3)  the delegation of authority to the Assistant Director – Legal Governance and Elections to enter into any agreements on behalf of the Council necessary to facilitate the above.



Wigan Pier, Pottery Road, Wigan

Report of the Director – Place is attached. 


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director – Place, presented by the Director, which sought approval to provisionally agree settlement terms for the sale and development agreement at Wigan Pier.


The Director referred to the main points within the report.


An Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) was not required. A Relevance Check was attached.


The report set out details of the alternative options that were considered.


Resolved: The Cabinet:-


(1)  agrees the terms of the proposed agreement, as described within the report;

(2)  delegates authority to the Assistant Director – Property and Assets to take all decisions necessary to facilitate 1;

(3)  authorises the Assistant Director –Legal, Governance and Elections to enter into any agreements necessary on behalf of the Council to facilitate the above; and

(4)  notes that the Mayor has agreed to this item being exempt from call in, because the decision cannot be reasonably deferred due to the timescales for completing the agreement.




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