Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN

Contact: Diane Adshead 

Link: Meeting Video

No. Item


Apologies for absence:

Members are requested to advise Democratic Services of any apologies for this meeting.


Councillors Churton, Dawber, Galligan, Harding, Hurst, Kenny, Ramsdale, Rehman and Wakefield.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 386 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 are attached.


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 22 May 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Announcements from the Mayor:


(a)  By Election, Leigh South

The Mayor informed the Council of the recent By Election for the Leigh South Ward following the resignation of former Councillor John O’Brien, and congratulated Councillor Barbara Caren on her election. On behalf of the Council, the Mayor then welcomed Councillor Caren to the Chamber.


The Mayor advised the Council that, at its next meeting, Members would have the opportunity to offer tributes to former Councillor O’Brien.


(b)  Ella Toone

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated the women’s football star, Ella Toone from Tyldesley, who recently received her star on Leigh’s Walk of Fame. Ella, who plays for England and Manchester United was the latest recipient of the prestigious award, recognising her contribution to women’s sport.


(c)  Keely Hodgkinson

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor wished the best of luck to Atherton’s Keely Hodgkinson, who would be competing in this year’s Paris Olympics. Keely had recently defended her 800m title at the European Athletics Championships in Rome.


(d)  Leigh Leopards

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Leigh Leopards and all those who took part in the Iron Man event in June 2024. The team raised £20K for the Wigan and Leigh Hospice.


(e)  Team Wigan and Leigh

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Well Team Wigan and Leigh who completed the National Three Peaks challenge earlier this month in aid of the Wigan and Leigh Hospice. The team, which is comprised of Council staff and partners, were attempting to raise £100K this year for the hospice.


(f)  King’s Birthday Honours

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated everyone who had received an honour from the King in his recent Birthday Honours List:-


·           Wigan Council Chief Executive, Alison Mckenzie-Folan, who had received an OBE for her outstanding contributions to local government.


·           Mary Lyon, who had received a BEM for services to Advocating for Scientific Research and Improving Patient Safety for Women.


·           Jayne Acton, who had received an MBE for services to Children and Families.


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor offered congratulations to everyone who had received such a prestigious honour.


Update from Cabinet Portfolio Holders:


Cabinet Member


Executive Leader and Economic Development and Regeneration

Councillor D T Molyneux MBE

Deputy Leader and Adult Social Care

Councillor K Cunliffe

Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies

Councillor D Anderton

Children and Families

Councillor J Bullen

Housing and Welfare

Councillor S Gambles

Planning, Environmental Services and Transport

Councillor P Prescott

Communities and Neighbourhoods

Councillor C Ready

Resources, Finance and Transformation

Councillor N Rehman



(a) Portfolio Holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies

Councillor Anderton updated the Council in relation to Community Safety, the recent incidents in the town centre, Elected Members’ roles as Community Leaders, and the Good Landlord Charter.


(b) Portfolio Holder for Children and Families

Councillor J Bullen updated the Council in relation to the New Era: Progress with Unity, Children First Strategic Partnership Alliance, the Family Hubs, and the Councils support for Care Leavers.


(c) Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environmental Services and Transport

Councillor P Prescott updated the Council in relation to the Our Town programme of works, the Council’s Climate Commitment, and the work to be undertaken in his portfolio as part of the New Era: Progress with Unity.


(d) Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Councillor Gambles updated the Council in relation to the abolition of Section 21 and no-fault evictions, the Tenant Voice Engagement team, and the Tenant Engagement Strategy.


(e) Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Regeneration (Executive Leader)

The Executive Leader, Councillor D T Molyneux MBE, updated the Council in relation to the Council’s previous and future commitment to Apprenticeships.



Constitutional Issues:


Vacancies on Committees

Nominations for the vacant seat on the Licensing and Regulation Committees have been received from Councillor L McStein (Labour) and Councillor J Fish (Independent Network).



Following the report to the Annual Council meeting in May 2024, a seat on both the Licensing and Regulation Committees remained vacant. These positions had not been filled after a three-week vacancy and in accordance with the provisions of Section 15 of the Local Government Regulations 1990, nominations were then invited from all Groups of the Council.


Following correspondence with Group Leaders, nominations had been received for Councillors Fish (Independent Network) and Councillor McStein (Labour).


On putting the nominations to the vote, the Mayor declared that Councillor McStein (Labour) be appointed to the vacant seats on the Licensing and Regulation Committees.



Local Authority Governor Report pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Report of the Director – Children and Family Services is attached.



The Council considered a report of Director – Children and Families, Colette Dutton, which informed the Council of the Local Authority Governor Vacancies at schools in the borough and requested Council to make nominations for appointment by Governing Boards.


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)   agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for appointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

Atherton Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School



St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School



St Richard’s RC Primary School


Kimberley Buck

Leigh St Mary's CE Primary School


Angela Pratt

Leigh St Peter’s CoE Primary School



Holy Family Catholic Primary School, New Springs


Julie Summerton

Shevington Federation



St Mary and St John Catholic Primary School



Douglas Valley Nursery



St Catherine's Catholic Primary School



Hindley Nursery


Jo Robinson



Clare Lawson

Castle Hill St Philip's CofE Primary School



Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

(Hindley Green)


Rebecca Ewins

Wigan Worsley Mesnes Community Primary School



Lowton High School




(2)   agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for reappointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

None for this report




(3) authorises the Director - Children’s Services to advise (via Governor Services) the nominated applicants and Governors of the outcome and next steps.



Annual Report from the Chair of Audit, Governance and Standards Committee 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 306 KB

Report of the Chair of the Audit, Governance and Scrutiny Committee is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Chairman of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee, Councillor Charles Rigby, which highlighted the work of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee, and how the Committee had contributed to the Council’s overall governance arrangements for 2023/24.


The report was also considered by the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee at its meeting on the 20 June 2024, and by the Cabinet at its meeting on 10 July 2024.


Resolved: The Council approves the Annual Report from the Chair of the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee 2023/24.



Annual Scrutiny Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) is attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), Janet Davies, which provided a brief overview of the role of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees whilst providing a snapshot of the areas of scrutiny activity undertaken by the Committees during the 2023/24 municipal year.


The report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 10 July 2024.


Resolved: The Council approves the Annual Scrutiny Report for 2023/24.



Monitoring of Urgent Items and Exemption from Call-in pdf icon PDF 255 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), which advised of the Key Executive Decisions that had been taken as urgent items pursuant to Rule 16 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules, and of any decisions that had been exempt from Call-in because the decision needed to be implemented as a matter of urgency, pursuant to Rule 16(i) of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Call-in and Urgency), since 19 July 2023.


Resolved: The Council approves the information outlined within the report.



Progress with Unity: A New Era for Wigan Borough pdf icon PDF 683 KB

Report of the Director – Strategy and Innovation and the Assistant Director – Policy and Strategy is attached.



The Council considered a report of the Director – Strategy and Innovation, James Winterbottom, and the Assistant Director – Policy and Strategy, Lewis Greenwood, which outlined how the Council had worked together with partners over the past year to develop the 'Progress with Unity' ways of working and missions, and how the Council would support its delivery.


Progress with Unity was a unifying movement for change which set the strategic direction of a new era for Wigan Council and Wigan Borough’s Place Partnership over the next decade.


The report was also be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 10 July 2024.


Resolved: The Council approves the partnership approach to delivering a new era for Wigan Borough, ‘Progress with Unity’, as a unifying movement for change which sets the strategic direction of the Council and borough place partnership for the next decade.



Policy Framework or Budget Framework items:


Treasury Management Annual Review pdf icon PDF 257 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Legal is attached.



The Council considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, Tony Clarke, which provided an update on the Treasury Management position for the 2023/24 financial year.


The report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 10 July 2024.


Resolved: The Council for approves the Treasury Management position for 2023/24.


Council Tax – Empty Property Premium Exception Policy pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Report of the Director – Customer is attached.



The Council considered a report of the Director – Customer, Sonia Halliwell, which outlined the recommendation for the implementation of an exception policy regarding Council Tax Empty Property Premiums.


The proposed policy aimed to address specific scenarios where Council Tax payers may be excepted from paying a premium.


The report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 10 July 2024.


Resolved: The Council approves the implementation of a Council Tax Empty Property Premium Exception Policy that will provide certain criteria under which customers can apply for an exception from long-term empty and second home Council Tax premiums.



Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction War Pension Disregard Policy pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Report of the Director – Customer is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Director – Customer, which outlined the process for the continued disregard of War Disablement Pensions/War Widows and the Armed Forces Compensation scheme income, in the assessment of Housing Benefit.


The current policy was effective and aligned with the Armed Forces Covenant, and the financial expenditure was low and sustainable.


The report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 6 June 2024.


Resolved: The Council approves the continued Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction War Pension Disregard Policy.



Questions and Comments on the Deliberations of Cabinet and Committees (under rule 8(1)(a)(b)):

The deadline for Questions and Comments is 12pm on the Friday prior to the Council meeting. Any Questions and Comments that are received, will be sent to Elected Members via e mail, once the deadline has passed.


Councillor O’Bern asked a question under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


What action are the council going to take around section 21 evictions and the increase in out of town developers buying up properties in Wigan, and converting them to HMOS to the detriment of local people?”


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare, Councillor Gambles, responded to the question.


Councillor Whittingham asked a question under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


“Are there any plans to secure funding from Central Government to improve the road infrastructure around the borough to reduce the ever-increasing congestion, and the pollution which is blighting the lives of all Wigan Constituents?”


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environmental Services and Transport, Councillor P Prescott, responded to the question.


Councillor Gerrard asked two questions under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


“In December 2023, the RSH concluded that Wigan Council, breached the consumer standards. Can we be assured that this will not be allowed to happen again?”


“The usual high standards of grass cutting this year have not been achieved, to the detriment of the borough. Can the leader ensure that this is addressed for the rest of this year and next?”


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare and the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environmental Services and Transport, responded to the questions.


Councillor Watson asked a question under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


“Does the leader think that it is fair to the people of Wigan Borough that asylum seekers are being prioritised over local residents under the housing allocations policy?”


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare responded to the question.


Councillor Fish asked two questions under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


“With the ongoing problems with waste collections being missed across the borough does the leader agree move investment needs to be made to front line services and what steps are the council taking to resolve these problems?”


“With the poor quality of frontline work being seen across the borough does the leader agree that standards have dropped and these need to be brought back up to a standard that people can be proud of?”


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Environmental Services and Transport, responded to the questions.










Notices of Motion: pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) is attached.


The Chief Executive, Alison Mckenzie-Folan and the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), submitted a joint report on the competence and lawfulness of the motions which had been received.


(1)   Councillor Ready submitted a motion which was seconded by Councillor Fletcher:-


Our parks at Mesnes, Pennington Hall, Alexandra, Jubilee and Central Park Atherton have been awarded Green Flag status. The Bridgers and Golborne in Bloom have retained their community awards. We thank the staff and volunteers who work tirelessly in our parks and ask the council to invite the relevant Minister to see the impact on the wellbeing of our residents.”


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(At this point, the Executive Leader moved a procedural motion without notice under rule 10(c) of the Rules of Procedure (that was seconded by Councillor Cunliffe), to refer Councillor Gerrard’s motion to Cabinet.


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


Councillor Gerrard’s motion was then referred to Cabinet without debate in accordance with Rule of Procedure 9.8, and the motion would come back to a future meeting of Council for consideration.)


(3)   Councillor Merrett submitted a motion which was seconded by Councillor J Bullen:-


This Council requests that we write to the new government, at the earliest opportunity, outlining the current crisis facing councils in meeting the increased demand for SEND provision and seeking an increase to the High Needs Budget."


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(4)   This motion was withdrawn due to new information shared in The King’s Speech, which was delivered after publication of the meeting agenda.


(At this point, the Executive Leader moved a procedural motion without notice under rule 10(c) of the Rules of Procedure (that was seconded by Councillor Cunliffe), to refer Councillor Cunliffe’s motion to Cabinet.


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


Councillor Cunliffe’s motion was then referred to Cabinet without debate in accordance with Rule of Procedure 9.8, and the motion would come back to a future meeting of Council for consideration.)



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