Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN

Contact: Diane Adshead 

Link: Meeting Video

No. Item


Apologies for absence:

Members are requested to advise Democratic Services of any apologies for this meeting.


Councillors Brierley, Callaghan, Guest, Harding, Hodgkinson, Kenny, J Prescott, P Prescott, Ramsdale, Talbot, Vickers and Wakefield.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 244 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024 are attached.


The minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Announcements from the Mayor:


(a)  Keely Hodgkinson Gold Medal

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Atherton’s Keely Hodgkinson, who had won the gold medal in the 800m race, at this year’s Paris Olympics.


The Mayor advised Council that Keely had also been awarded a star on Leigh’s Walk of Fame earlier this year in recognition of her sporting achievements and contribution to the local community, with that star having now received a special makeover to mark her recent victory.


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor also thanked the Atherton Ward Councillors, who had utilised their Brighter Borough funds to arrange for a phone box in Atherton to be painted gold in Keeley’s honour.


(b)  Wigan 10K

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated everyone who had taken part in this year’s Wigan 10K and had raised money for their chosen charities.


The Mayor thanked the Council’s ‘Progress with Unity’ team who had run on behalf of, and raised money for the Mayor’s Charity. 


The Mayor also congratulated Councillors Hunt and Ready, who had raised £1K and £2K respectively, for their chosen charities.


(c)  Wigan Rotary Club

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Wigan Rotary Club, who were the latest recipients of a star on Believe Square and had been at the heart of the community, supporting local charities and causes for the last 100 years.


(d)  Our Town Awards

The Mayor advised the Council that next month saw the return of the ‘Our Town Awards’ and the ‘Believe Sports Awards’ which would be hosted at The Edge in Wigan.


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor wished all who had been nominated in the awards, the best of luck.


(e)  Queen’s Nurse

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated Suzanne Ward from Astley, who had been granted the prestigious title of ‘Queen’s Nurse’, in recognition of her outstanding care at Derian House Children’s Hospice.


(f)  Roy Wood

The Mayor advised the Council that she had the privilege to be present at Gorton Monastery to witness Roy Wood being awarded a BEM for his services to wrestling and young people by the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester. 


(g)  Death of Honorary Alderman Ernest Swift

It was with deep regret that the Mayor informed the Council of the death of

Honorary Alderman Ernest Swift, who passed away on 27 August 2024.


Ernest served as a Councillor for Orrell ward from 1988 to 2000 and also served as Deputy Mayor in the 1999/2000 municipal year - before being made an Honorary Alderman in September 2000.


The funeral being had taken place on 11 September for family and close friends.


Members of the Council expressed their condolences in respect of Mr Swift. The Mayor had written to the family, to extend the Council’s deepest sympathy.


At this point, the Council held a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to Honorary Alderman Ernest Swift.


Update from Cabinet Portfolio Holders:

Cabinet Member



Councillor D T Molyneux MBE

Executive Leader and Economic Development and Regeneration

Councillor K Cunliffe

Deputy Leader and Adult Social Care

Councillor D Anderton

Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies

Councillor J Bullen

Children and Families

Councillor S Gambles

Housing and Welfare

Councillor P Prescott

Planning, Environmental Services and Transport

Councillor C Ready

Communities and Neighbourhoods

Councillor N Rehman

Resources, Finance and Transformation



(a) Portfolio Holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies

Councillor Anderton updated the Council in relation to the Community Safety Partnership, the UMAY app, Boxing for Better, and actions and work undertaken regarding offroad bikes and vehicles.


(b) Portfolio Holder for Children and Families

Councillor Bullen updated the Council in relation to ‘All Child’ project, outlining information on the pioneering community initiative that was supporting children and young people in schools.


(c) Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Councillor Gambles updated the Council in relation to the Council’s ‘Here for You’ campaign and encouraged Members to share information and promote the campaign to their residents.


(d) Portfolio Holder for Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Regeneration

Councillor Molyneux MBE updated the Council in relation the Council’s plans to issue every new school starter with a library card, to assist in the progression of educational opportunities for the young people of the borough.




Constitutional Issues:


Councillor Dispensation pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Legal is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, Tony Clarke, which requested the approval for the absence of Councillor Paula Wakefield from meetings of the authority, on the grounds of ill health.


Resolved:- The Council approves the absence of Councillor Paula Wakefield from meetings of the authority until further notice, on the grounds of ill health.


Local Authority Governor Report pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report of the Director – Children and Family Services is attached.


The Council considered a report of Director – Children and Family Services, Colette Dutton, which informed the Council of the Local Authority Governor Vacancies at schools in the borough and requested Council to make nominations for appointment by Governing Boards.


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)   agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for appointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

Chowbent Primary School

Kirsty Longshaw

Gilded Hollins Community School

Brent Manning

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Andy Heald

Atherton Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School


St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School


Leigh St Peter’s CoE Primary School


Shevington Federation


St Mary and St John Catholic Primary School

Steve Rennie

Douglas Valley Nursery


St Catherine's Catholic Primary School


Castle Hill St Philip's CofE Primary School

John Rudd

Wigan Worsley Mesnes Community Primary School

Councillor Debbie Parkinson

Lowton High School



(2)   agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for reappointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

St Philip's CofE Primary School, Atherton

Lee Gardiner



(3)   authorises the Director – Children and Family Services to advise (via Governor Services) the nominated applicants and Governors of the outcome and next steps.


(Councillor Parkinson declared a Personal and Non-Prejudicial Interest in this item as she is a nominee)




Honorary Alderman Nomination pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Report of Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) and the minutes of the meeting of the Honorary Alderman Nominations Committee held on 25 July 2024 are attached.


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), Janet Davies, which sought approval for the former Councillor, John David O’Brien, to be appointed into the position of Honorary Alderman of the Borough.


The report had also been considered by the Honorary Alderman Nominations Committee (minute 2 refers), who confirmed that the former Councillor fulfilled the criteria for appointment and recommend to Council, the approval of the appointment.


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)   approves the recommendation of the Honorary Alderman Nominations Committee, to confer the title of Honorary Alderman on former councillor John David O’Brien;

(2)   agrees to hold a special meeting of Council on 4 November 2024 at 2pm, for this purpose; and

(3)   approves the provision of appropriate refreshments in the Mayor’s Parlour for the Honorary Alderman and his invited guests, to be hosted by The Mayor.



Questions and Comments at Council Meetings pdf icon PDF 301 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) and the minutes of the meeting of the Constitution Working Group held on 22 August 2024 are attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections, which sought approval for proposed changes to the Rules of Procedure, regarding questions and comments at Council meetings, as set out within the Constitution.


The report had been considered and the recommendations endorsed for approval, by the Constitution Working Group at its meeting on 22 August 2024 (minute 4 refers).


Resolved: The Council approves the proposed amendments to the Council’s Rules of Procedure section of the Constitution, regarding questions and comments at Council meetings, as outlined within the report.



Changes to How the Council Buys Goods, Works and Services (Contract Procedure Rules) pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Report of the Director – Customer, and the Director - Finance and Legal is attached. The minutes of the meeting of the Constitution Working Group held on 22 August 2024 are attached at Item 6(d).


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, and the Director – Customer, Sonia Halliwell, which outlined the Council’s revised Interim Commissioning and Procurement Strategy and Action Plan and updated Contract Procedure Rules, following the new Procurement Act 2023 legislation, necessitating amendments to the Council’s existing Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs).


The revised thresholds were due to be implemented in October 2024 when new Contract Procedure Rules were introduced, which was when the Procurement Act 2023 was to be implemented. The Government had now delayed this implementation until February 2025, however, it was proposed that the revised thresholds would still take effect from 31 October 2024.


The report was also considered by the Constitution Working Group on 22 August 2024 (minute 3 refers) and by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 29 August 2024 (minute 30 refers).


Resolved: The Council approves:-


(1) the Action Plan;

(2) the Interim procurement and Commissioning Strategy;

(3) the changes to the Contract Procedure Rules, and notes that these will only become operative when the Procurement Act 2023 is implemented; and

(4) the proposals to raise the threshold over which the Council conducts competitive procedures, which will be implemented with effect from 31 October 2024.




Policy Framework or Budget Framework items:


Redress Policy (Housing Services) pdf icon PDF 221 KB

Report of the Director – Place is attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Director - Place, Aidan Thatcher, which sought approval for the introduction of a new Redress Policy to ensure that the Council was meeting its statutory obligations, and its legal responsibilities in relation to resolving issues and complaints involving compensation and redress for housing-related matters fairly and in a transparent manner.


The Corporate Complaints Policy was also being updated to incorporate the changes to the governing code for complaints, with a summary of these changes set out in the report.


The implementation of a new Housing Ombudsman Complaints Code had reinforced the need for the accountability of landlords to their tenants, and the adoption of clear policies evidenced the Council’s commitment to meet all its statutory and regulatory obligations.


The report was also considered by the Housing Advisory Panel at its meeting on 26 March 2024 (minute 28 refers) and by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 18 April 2024 (minute 9 refers).


Resolved: The Council approves:-


(1) notes the actions being taken to ensure Wigan Council is meeting its Statutory Obligation as set out in the new Codes from the Housing Ombudsman and Regulator for Social Housing; and

(2) approves the new Redress Policy for Housing Services.



Capital Programme and Treasury Management Q1. pdf icon PDF 439 KB

Report of the Director– Finance and Legal is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Director – Finance and Legal, which provided an update on both the Treasury Management and Capital Programme for the period ending June 2024.


The report was also considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 29 August 2024 (minute 29 refers).


Resolved: The Council approves:-


(1) the Treasury Management Position; and

(2) the adoption of the updated Capital Programme.



Questions and Comments on the Deliberations of Cabinet and Committees (under rule 8(1)(a)(b)):

The deadline for Questions and Comments is 12pm on the Friday prior to the Council meeting. Any Questions and Comments that are received, will be sent to Elected Members via e mail, once the deadline has passed.


Councillor O’Bern asked a question under rule of procedure 8(1)(a):-


Could the Portfolio Holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies let us know if Serco and the Police are engaging with the Council, regarding the safety of Serco Houses in the Borough, and reported violent incidents?”


The Portfolio Holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies responded to the question.



Notices of Motion: pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) is attached.


The Chief Executive, Alison Mckenzie-Folan and the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), submitted a joint report on the competence and lawfulness of the motions which had been received.


(1)   Councillor Anderton submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor D T Molyneux MBE:-


“Part III of the Housing Act 2004 gives councils the power to implement selective licencing schemes within a defined geographical area. Therefore, we ask this Council to adopt selective licensing of privately rented homes in areas that meet one or more of the conditions laid down in the Housing Act 2004.”


Councillor Anderton’s motion was referred to Cabinet without debate in accordance with Rule of Procedure 9.8, and the motion would come back to a future meeting of Council for consideration.


(2)   Councillor Hunt submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Cunliffe:-


“This Council asks the Chief Executive to write to the Chief Constable of GMP and GM Deputy Mayor Kate Green thanking them, the officers of GMP and other blue light services who worked to keep the public in our borough safe throughout the recent unrest that was instigated by the protest in Southport and subsequent spread of misinformation across the country.”


Councillor …….. requested a recorded vote on this motion, seconded by ……., and received the required support (a named vote is attached).


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(3)   Councillor Ready submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Brown:-


“This year's Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme has been the most successful since its inception, so can we request the Chief Executive write to the Minister to carry on funding this much needed project.”


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(4)   Councillor Cunliffe submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Fletcher:-


“This Council supports the LGA in urging the Government to implement a National Men’s Health Strategy. We also support the LGA in calling for local suicide prevention funding to be reinstated. The £57million fund that went to councils to provide vital support for those at risk of suicide was ended by the previous government in March 2024.”


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(5)   Councillor Watson submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Fish:-


“This Council asks the Government, to reverse their decision to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance for all pensioners, which would protect this vulnerable group from the impact of rising energy costs.”


Councillor Anderton moved the following amendment to the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Rehman:-


“This Council write to the Government, asking them to reconsider their decision to cut the Winter Fuel Allowance for affected pensioners and review the proposed threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments.”


Following Councillor Watson declining to accept the amendment, a vote was taken on the amendment, which was carried and the amendment became the substantive motion.


Councillor Anderton requested a recorded vote  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Councillor Hunt's Motion Motion Carried
Councillor Anderton's Substantive Motion Motion Carried
  • View Recorded Vote for this item


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