Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN

Contact: Diane Adshead 

Link: Meeting Video

No. Item


Apologies for absence:

Members are requested to advise Democratic Services of any apologies for this meeting.


Councillors J Bullen, P Collins, Crosby, Cunliffe, Hodgkinson, P Molyneux, J Prescott, P Prescott, Ramsdale, Talbot and Wakefield.



Minutes: pdf icon PDF 125 KB


Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 25 September and 4 November 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. 


Announcements from the Mayor:


(a)  King’s Award for Voluntary Service

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor congratulated the following groups who had been awarded the King’s Award for Voluntary Service:-


?           Butts Park Community Bowling Club

?           Empathy Northwest

?           Happy Smiles Training CIC

?           Leigh Miners Rangers Rugby League Academy

?           Shevington and District Community Association


(b)  Youth Cabinet

In recognition of UK Parliament Week, the Mayor welcomed members of the Wigan and Leigh Youth Parliament to the Chamber, who provided an update on the work of the Wigan and Leigh Youth Parliament, and an overview of some of the projects that they were currently working on.


On behalf of the Council, the Mayor thanked the members of the Wigan and Leigh Youth Parliament for their update and congratulated them on their hard work, commitment and engagement in democracy for the young people of the borough.



Update from Cabinet Portfolio Holders:



(a) Portfolio Holder for Police, Crime and Civil Contingencies

Councillor Anderton updated the Council in relation to Community Safety across the borough, the White Ribbon Campaign, the Council’s 16 Days of Action, the Love is Not Abuse Campaign, and the Community Safety Partnership.


(b) Portfolio Holder for Communities and Neighbourhoods

Councillor Ready updated the Council in relation to strengthening work with Community Groups, securing external funding, and crowdfunding.


(c) Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Councillor Gambles updated the Council in relation to the works being undertaken in preparation for Winter pressures, the Seasonal Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP), and the guidance and information available on the Council’s website in relation to homelessness and sleeping rough.


(d) Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Transformation

Councillor Rehman updated the Council in relation to the Council’s work and involvement in Remembrance Sunday events, and the Council’s Finance Team having won the Team of the Year and Grand Prix awards at the recent Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Public Finance Awards.


(e) Portfolio Holder for Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Regeneration

Councillor D T Molyneux MBE updated the Council in relation to the success and importance of the Youth Cabinet, and apprenticeships and the levels of apprentices currently in training at Wigan and Leigh College.



Constitutional Issues:


Local Authority Governor Report pdf icon PDF 130 KB



The Council considered a report of Director – Children and Family Services, Colette Dutton, which informed the Council of the Local Authority Governor Vacancies at schools in the borough and requested Council to make nominations for appointment by Governing Boards.


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)     agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for appointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

Ince C of E Primary School


Anifat Balogun

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Wigan


Cllr David Wood

Chowbent Primary School


Holly Dunsby-Hughes

Westleigh St Paul's C of E Primary School



Garret Hall Primary School


Kirsty Longshaw

Atherton Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School



St Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School



Leigh St Peter’s C of E Primary School


Heather Moores

Shevington Federation


Amanda Arkwright

Douglas Valley Nursery



St Catherine's Catholic Primary School



Lowton High School


Nicola Holland


(2)     agrees the nominations of the listed applicants as Local Authority Governors, for reappointment by the Governing Body, in line with The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012;


School or Establishment


Proposed Nomination

Mab’s Cross Primary School


Nicola Birchall

St Luke's C of E Primary School


Debra Fletcher

Hindsford C of E Primary School


Chris Jones

Parklee Community School


Geoff Jones

Tyldesley St George's Central C of E Primary School


Paul Costello


(3)     authorises the Director – Children and Family Services to advise (via Governor Services) the nominated applicants and Governors of the outcome and next steps.


(Councillor Wood declared a Personal and Non-Prejudicial Interest in this item as he is a nominee)



Dates and Times of Meetings 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 115 KB


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), Janet Davies, which set out the proposed timetable of meetings for 2025/26.


Resolved: The Council approves the proposed timetable of meetings for 2025/26.


Appointment to the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of the Assitant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer) is attached.


The Council considered a report of the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), which sought approval for the appointment of the Independent Remuneration Panel for the review of Members Allowances.


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)  appoints Angela Harrison and Susan Giles as members of the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel;

(2)  agrees to proceed with a Panel consisting of four members (Dr Declan Hall, Martin Honor, Angela Harrison and Susan Giles) to enable the review of Members allowances, to proceed in early 2025; and

(3)  delegates to the Monitoring Officer (or person nominated by her), the power to agree the honorarium to be paid to the three Panel Members and the payment to be made to the Chairman of the Panel.



Policy Framework or Budget Framework items:


Council Housing Condensation, Damp and Mould Policy 1 pdf icon PDF 155 KB


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Director – Place, Aidan Thatcher and Assistant Director - Housing Services, Kathryn Perry, which sought approval for the introduction of a new Condensation, Damp and Mould Policy for Council homes, and the Council’s commitments to take a proactive approach to the prevention and remedy of condensation, damp and mould.


A motion was submitted to Council on 17 April 2024 (minute 55 refers) in relation to the authority’s response in relation tackling damp and mould, with this policy outlining the Council’s processes and procedures in regard to this.


The report had also been considered by the Housing Advisory Panel at its meeting on 10 September 2024 (minute 15 refers), and by the Cabinet at its meeting on 26 September 2024 (minute 37 refers).


Resolved: The Council approves the Condensation, Damp and Mould Policy.



Market Rights Policy pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Report of Director - Place is attached.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Director – Place, which highlighted that Wigan Council was the responsible body for the management of market rights within the Borough of Wigan. The Council did not currently have a published policy that set out how markets may operate or how permission to hold a market may be sought.


The Market Rights Policy remedied this, recognising the important social and economic roles that markets could play across the Borough, whilst giving the Council the ability to influence the nature and type of markets in a particular locality.


The adoption of the policy also provided an opportunity for the Council to resolve that the provisions of section 37 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 should apply across the Borough, thereby requiring any person intending to either hold a temporary market or permit such a market to take place on their land, to give to the Council one month’s notice of the event (excluding temporary markets where any proceeds are applied solely or principally for charitable, social, sporting or political purposes).


Resolved: The Council:-


(1)  resolves that section 37 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 shall apply to its district and shall come into force on 20 December 2024;

(2)  adopts the proposed Market Rights Policy at Appendix 1 of the report; and

(3)  resolves that the proposed Fees Policy and Charging Schedule is included in the Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule, reviewed annually.



Questions and Comments on the Deliberations of Cabinet and Committees (Under Rule 8):

The deadline for Questions and Comments is 12pm on the Friday prior to the Council meeting. Any Questions and Comments that are received, will be sent to Elected Members via e mail, once the deadline has passed.


Councillor O’Bern asked a question under Rule of Procedure 8 on minute 26(d) of the meeting of the Council on 25 September 2024, in relation to constitutional updates to questions and comments at Council Meetings:-


Question: “Why are Councillors being effectively silenced in full Council meetings, and prevented from properly representing their constituents, as is their duty in a democracy?”


The Executive Leader (and Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration and Development) responded to the question.


Councillor Watson asked made a question under Rule of Procedure 8 on minute 14 of the Confident Council Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 11 November 2024:-


Comment: “At this meeting, committee members were restricted from asking questions regarding the statements in the media of ‘political pressure’ and ‘political concerns’, that led to the departure of Al and Al from the restoration project at Haigh Hall.”


Question: “Will there be a transparent public investigation into these allegations?”


The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Neighbourhoods responded to the question.


(At this point, the Executive Leader (Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Regeneration), Councillor D T Molyneux, moved a procedural motion without notice under rule 10(m) of the Rules of Procedure, in conjunction with Rule 18.3 of the Rules of Procedure (that was seconded by Councillor Nicholson), that Councillor Brierley not be heard further for the remainder of the meeting, due to his persistent disruption of the business of the meeting.


On the procedural motion without notice being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.)


Notices of Motion: pdf icon PDF 128 KB



The Chief Executive, Alison Mckenzie-Folan and the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Elections (Monitoring Officer), submitted a joint report on the competence and lawfulness of the motions which had been received.


(1)     Councillor Gerrard submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Jones:-


“That Wigan Council formally recognises "Baby Loss Awareness Week", in October each year, and commits to raising awareness around baby loss within the community through dedicated support initiatives and educational resources.


This motion requests that Wigan Council will implement a series of actions aimed at supporting those affected by baby loss, including:


?      Official Recognition: Proclaim Baby Loss Awareness Week annually, encouraging local schools, organisations, and communities to participate in learning and remembrance activities.


?      Resource Development: Collaborate with local healthcare providers and support organisations to create and disseminate informational materials about baby loss, including grief support services available in Wigan Borough


?      Awareness Campaign: Launch a targeted awareness campaign during Baby Loss Awareness Week to educate the public and reduce stigma surrounding baby loss, fostering an understanding and supportive community environment.


?      Support Events: Organise and facilitate a memorial event during Baby Loss Awareness Week, allowing families to commemorate their lost loved ones and share their experiences in a safe and supportive setting.”


On the motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(2)     Councillor Flynn submitted a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Vickers:-


“This Council resolves to write to the Mayor of Greater Manchester to thank him and TfGM for the work in Wigan so far, and to encourage further improvement and expansion of bus services within the borough. We call for a focus on links to train stations, links between our towns and, in particular, links to other boroughs that neighbour Wigan, but that are not in Greater Manchester.”


Councillor Fish moved the following amendment to the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Watson:-


“This Council resolves to write to the Mayor of Greater Manchester and TFGM to indicate a commitment for a better connectivity and accessibility bee network for our residents. We call for further improvement of the Bee Network and expansion of bus services within this borough.


We call for a focus on links to train stations, links between our towns and to ensure better transportation links that can benefit residents in particular, into other regional boundaries that neighbour Wigan Borough.”


Following Councillor Flynn declining to accept Councillor Fish’s amendment, a vote was taken on the amendment, and the Mayor declared it lost.


On Councillor Flynn’s original motion being put to the vote, the Mayor declared it carried.


(Councillors Brierley, Jones, Myler and Wilkinson left the meeting during the consideration of Councillor Flynn’s motion and therefore did not take part in the vote on the motion)


(Councillor Gerrard declared a Personal and Non-Prejudicial Interest in Councillor Flynn’s motion, as he is employed by Diamond Buses)





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