Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room A - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN. View directions
Contact: Christine Charnock-Jones
No. | Item |
Welcome to new Members: Minutes: On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman (Councillor D T Molyneux) reported that although Councillor P A Tushingham was not present at the meeting, he would be a new Member for this municipal year. |
Apologies for absence: Minutes: Councillor P A Tushingham. |
Minutes: 14 July 2010 enclosed. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 14 July 2011, were approved as a correct record. |
Report of the Head of Service, Legal and Risk (Monitoring Officer) enclosed. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Head of Service, Legal and Risk, John Mitchell, presented by the Principal Committee and Members Services Officer, Christine Charnock-Jones, which detailed the existing eligibility for appointment as Honorary Aldermen of this Borough (Council minutes 45 (2006 refers) and 73(j) (2009 refers)).
The Officer reported that following a decision of Council at minute 37 (i) (September 2008), a former Councillor had requested that the title of Honorary Alderman previously offered to him be deferred for the time being and she confirmed that this was still the case.
The Committee were asked to consider a revision to the existing criteria to place a time limit for the acceptance of the position of Honorary Alderman and it was suggested that 12 months would be a reasonable limit and that if an appointment was not accepted within that timeframe, then the appointment be rescinded.
In addition, she reported that the Council had received a letter from the Ince Ward Councillors dated 27 May 2011, requesting that consideration be given to the title of Honorary Alderman being conferred on former Councillor Mrs J Hurst, in view of her past service, which was listed in the report. The Committee considered the service against the approved criteria.
The report set out details of the alternative option to be considered which would include not considering to appoint a further Honorary Alderman.
Resolved: The Committee agrees:-
The Honorary Aldermen Nominations Committee is requested to recommend to Council:-
(1) the following change to the existing eligibility criteria for appointment as an Honorary Alderman of this Borough, namely the time limit of 12 months for acceptance of the position of Honorary Alderman and that if an appointment was not accepted within that timeframe, then the appointment be rescinded. (2) that based on the existing criteria, the Honorary Aldermen Nominations Committee is requested to recommend to the Council, the position in relation to former Councillor J A O’Neill and that Mr O’Neill be advised accordingly; (3) the appointment of former Councillor Mrs Joan Hurst as Honorary Alderman and therefore agree to the following:- (4) that in relation to (3) above and that should any appointment be made:-
· to agree to hold a special meeting of the Council to be held at 6.30 p.m. on 14 September 2011 for the purpose of formally conferring the title of Honorary Alderman on former Councillor Mrs Joan Hurst; · to suspend Rule of Procedure 1.1(iii) to allow the normal meeting of the Council previously fixed for 14 September 2011 to be held following the special meeting; and · to approve the provision of appropriate refreshments in the Mayor’s Parlour prior to the special meeting of the Council referred to above. |