Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN. View directions
Contact: Jessica Barton
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence: Members are requested to advise the Democratic Services Officer of any apologies for this meeting. Minutes: Councillors Crosby, Prescott and Smith. |
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024 are attached. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Whipping Declarations: Government guidance expected Members of Scrutiny Committees not to act in accordance with party whipping and that, if they did, they were to declare it. Minutes: Government guidance expected Members of Scrutiny Committees not to act in accordance with party whipping and that, if they did, they were to declare it.
Resolved: There were no declarations. |
Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions Please find attached, a link to the Council’s Forward Plan, which details the forthcoming Key and Non-Key decisions that are due to be taken by the Cabinet, a Member of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holder) or a Designated Officer relating to the service areas of this Committee, at this time: Forward Plan of Key/Non-Key Decisions Minutes: The Committee considered a report outlining the Council’s Forward Plan of forthcoming key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, an Individual Portfolio Holder or delegated officers, in relation to the relevant service area.
Resolved: The Committee notes the forthcoming decisions as outlined within the report, with no items being requested to be placed on a future agenda of the Committee. |
Report of Assistant Director – Policy and Strategy is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Assistant Director – Policy and Strategy, Lewis Greenwood, presented by the Joint Intelligence Manager, Sean Melling, which detailed the current position against a number of key performance indicators across all council services.
Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
The Joint Intelligence Manager informed the Committee that Wigan Council worked very closely with local businesses and provided Future Apprentices for Business (FAB) grants to support and create new apprenticeships. This programme ensured that young people were provided with many opportunities throughout the Borough.
The Joint Intelligence Manager advised Members that the ‘Here for You’ campaign had been widely promoted throughout the Borough, including libraries and General Practice (GP) surgeries. with the relevant teams having contacted residents who would benefit directly to ensure that they received the any benefits that they were entitled to.
The Director – Environment, Paul Barton advised the Committee that there were several criteria that a park or a green space had to meet to be considered for a green flag, for example, a park needed to be well maintained, receive input from communities or friend groups, and have a site development plan in place.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officers for their report and presentation; and (2) approves the performance indicators across all council services. |
Planning for School Places Report of Director – Place and Director – Education is attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Director – Place, Aidan Thatcher, and the Director – Children and Family Services, Colette Dutton, presented by the School Organisation Manager, Catherine Thompson, which provided an update on the refreshed process of planning ahead for school placement requirements across education facilities and how this influenced the school capital build programme.
Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
The School Organisation Manager informed the Committee that studies were carried out to establish schools throughout the Borough which would benefit the most from expansion, and therefore receive Section 106 funding. Planning permissions for new developments would make reference to all schools within the relevant area, providing flexibility if circumstances changed, and ensuring that the most suitable school at the time would receive the funding.
The School Organisation Manager advised Members that parental preferences were always taken into account and met where possible when children were provided with their school places. Wigan was reported as above national average for meeting parental preference, however, it was not possible to meet all parents first choice when school place allocation took place, as other aspects such as subscription criteria of schools and distance also impacted upon decisions.
The School Organisation Manager informed Members that additional school places were achieved through the remodelling and refurbishment of schools. The team had plans to continue works for next 2 years to create additional spaces.
The Assistant Director - Planning and Regeneration, David Proctor advised the Committee that inflation risks were built into Section 106 funding legal agreements based on capital cost, therefore, adding a layer of protection to the Council and works tendered out to developers.
The Assistant Director – Education, Catherine Pealing informed the Committee of the importance of balancing all schools within the Borough, allowing all schools to perform, rather than expanding the best performing schools as grading could change quickly as a result of this.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officers for their report and presentation; and (2) endorses the improved school place planning and capital programme process alongside the Council’s attainment of developer funding to support these works. |
Adult Education Update Report of Assistant Director - Skills and Enterprise is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Assistant Director – Skills and Enterprise, Claire Burnham, presented by the Assistant Director and the Adult Learning and Skills Service Manager, Andrea Cowton, which outlined the outcomes of the Council’s Adult Learning Provision.
Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
The Adult Learning and Skills Service Manager informed the Committee that an officer had been funded via the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), to work alongside residents who may need support to overcome barriers that they may face, for example, transport, childcare and health challenges, with 350 residents having been supported via this role last year.
The Adult Learning and Skills Manager advised Members that over the year the Council had 1455 enrolments across all of the courses and that the team had delivered a wide range of community learning across the borough within schools and were working to progress further into the current academic year.
The Assistant Director informed Members that the team worked closely with Start Well Centres and other community provision, such as Green Grass and Sunshine House, to provide community and adult learning.
The Assistant Director advised the Committee that the team worked closely with the DWP to establish where job vacancies were available and worked alongside job centres, work coaches and Wigan and Leigh College to provide the relevant training and learning offers for residents to be able to apply for these roles.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officers for their report and presentation; and (2) endorses the outcomes of the Council’s Adult Learning Provision. |