Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN. View directions
Contact: Nick Higham
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence: Members are requested to advise the Democratic Services Officer of any apologies for this meeting. Minutes: Councillors Galligan and Prescott. |
The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2024 are attached. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Whipping Declarations: Government guidance expected Members of Scrutiny Committees not to act in accordance with party whipping and that, if they did, they were to declare it. Minutes: Government guidance expected Members of Scrutiny Committees not to act in accordance with party whipping and that, if they did, they were to declare it.
Resolved: There were no declarations.
Executive's Forward Plan of Key and Non-Key Decisions: Please find attached a link to the Council’s Forward Plan, which details the forthcoming Key and Non-Key decisions that are due to be taken by the Cabinet, a Member of the Cabinet (Portfolio Holder) or a Designated Officer relating to the service areas of this Committee, at this time: Forward Plan of Key/Non-Key Decisions. Minutes: The Committee considered the Council’s Forward Plan of forthcoming key and non-key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet, an Individual Portfolio Holder or delegated officers, in relation to the Resources Directorate.
Resolved: The Committee notes the forthcoming decisions, with no items being requested to be placed on a future agenda of the Committee.
3rd Annual Progress Report on the Climate Crisis Report of Director - Environment is attached. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director – Environment, Paul Barton, presented by the Climate Strategic Officer, Kate Moody, which highlighted the Council’s Annual Progress Report on the Climate Crisis and the six climate action themes: build environment; transport and air quality; sustainability and consumption; natural environment; adaptation and resilience; and communities and wellbeing.
Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
? the involvement of local businesses and schools; ? awareness and involvement of staff; and ? the impact on flooding and gully cleaning.
The Climate Strategic Officer informed the Committee that communication had taken place with local businesses, schools and residents. Focus had been on public transport and encouraging residents to use bicycles and to walk where possible rather than using cars to travel to their place of work. Promotion using community groups and volunteers had been targeted.
The Climate Strategic Officer advised Members that Council staff had been encouraged to work flexibly travelling directly to off site meetings rather than attending the office first. Colleagues in the Greater Manchester area had also been encouraged to work in similar ways.
The Assistant Director – Infrastructure and Regulatory Services, Julie Middlehurst, informed Members that a regular programme for gully cleaning took place on a 6 month cycle. For specific flooding issues, additional gully cleaning had been added to the programme and cleaned on a more frequent basis. A Highways Flood Risk Engineer had been appointed and worked directly with United Utilities to target problematic flooding in specific areas.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officer for her report and presentation; and (2) endorses the Council’s Annual Progress Report on the Climate crisis.
Connectivity of Roads: Plans for the Future Report of Assistant Director - Planning and Regeneration is
attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Director – Planning and Regeneration, David Proctor, presented by the Service Manager – Major Projects, Susan Culshaw, which provided an update on connectivity and infrastructure projects across the Wigan to Bolton growth corridor.
Some of the key areas included in the Committee’s discussion were:
? the appointment of a contractor; ? timescales of the works and alternatives if funding was not received; and ? the impact of the ward boundary review on works in Leigh.
The Assistant Director informed the Committee that the overall route had been split into segments and all segments were at different stages. The A49 Link Road had been completed but some remedial works had been required including the acoustic barrier. The M58 Link Road had been identified as the road that was the furthest advanced in terms of design and planning, and focus had turned on securing funding to construct the road. Whilst a contractor had not been appointed as yet, this was not unusual and would follow, once funding had been secured. The incoming government had placed a focus on infrastructure and growth and the new road connections would support this agenda unlocking affordable housing and brownfield land, facilitating better public transport and improving air quality.
The Assistant Director advised Members that the Council had been working closely with partners in Greater Manchester and nationally, to ensure a strong case for investment in the east-west link and that schemes were ready for delivery to ensure reduced congestion and to improve transport connectivity.
The Assistant Director informed Members that the ward and parliamentary constituency boundary changes had little impact on the works at North Leigh Park, and that a section of the road was within the Leigh/Atherton constituency boundary.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officers for their report and presentation; and (2) endorses the progress made and the current position in relation to the east-west strategic link.
Regulatory Services Priority Setting Report of Assistant Director - Infrastructure and Regulatory
Services is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report and presentation of the Director – Environment, Paul Barton, presented by Service Manager – Regulatory Services, Michaela Guest, which detailed the performance priorities of the teams within Regulatory Services, including Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Environmental Protection.
Some of the key areas of the Committee’s discussion were:-
? out of borough taxi drivers; ? steps being taken so that residents were aware of Regulatory Services’ remit; ? food hygiene certificates; and ? public house safety and priorities.
The Service Manager informed the Committee that out of borough taxi drivers continued to be a concern to the local authority and other local authorities. Regular meetings had taken place with other local authorities to ensure continuous improvement and minimum standards. Concerns had been reported to local MPs to be raised with central government.
The Service Manager advised Members that Regulation Services’ staff offered promotion throughout the borough including advertising the Good Traders’ Scheme and neighbourhood champions visiting local community centres/sites to raise awareness of services and help available.
The Service Manager informed Members how the food hygiene scoring system worked and advised that anyone receiving a score of 0-2 had received a revisit. Sometimes improvements were simple fixes, but sometimes the structure of the building/kitchen had meant a lower score. There had been no lawful requirement to display a food hygiene result/sticker and those businesses offering food delivery services wanted to be compliant so they could remain on the food delivery platforms.
The Service Manager informed the Committee that Licensing Officers had supported raising the profile of the National Campaign “Ask for Angela” a few years ago. Officers had continued to raise awareness of this campaign as part of the Council’s ongoing safety messaging.
Resolved: The Committee:-
(1) thanks the officer for the report and presentation; and (2) endorses the ongoing work in Regulatory Services.