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Wigan Council
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Register of interests
Councillor Debbie Parkinson
This register of interests was published on Monday, 3rd June, 2024, 10.26 am.
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I, a Member of Wigan Council give notice that I have the following financial interests
Disclosable Pecuniary Interests:
1. If you are employed, please set out below your job and the name and address of your employer
Description of your employment activity
Name of Employer or Body
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Manager
Health Innovation NWC (NHS)
National PPIE Network Chair
Health Innovation Network (HIN)
2. If you are in business for yourself, please set out below the nature of your business, its name and address
Type of business
Name of Business and address
3. If you are a partner in a firm please set out below the name of the firm in which you are a partner and the nature of the trade or profession
type of activity
Name and address of firm
4. If you are a Director, or hold any other office or vocation, please set out below the name of the Company of which you are a Director or the nature of the office or vocation
Company name, office or vocation
5. Please set out below, the name of any person or body, who has made a payment, or provision of any other financial benefit, to you in respect of your appointment as a Council Member or in respect of any expenses incurred by you, in carrying out duties as a Member towards your election expenses. You need not declare payments made to you by the Council.
Name of Person or Body making Payments
6. Please set out below the name of any body, which has a place of business or owns land in the Authority's area and in which you have a shareholding of more than £25,000 (face value) or in which you have a stake of more than 100th of any class of shares or its total issued share capital
Land Ownership
7. Please set out below details of any contracts (which have not been fully discharged) for goods, services or works made between the Council and yourself, a firm in which you are a partner, a company in which you are a partner, a company in which you are a remunerated Director, or a person or body in which you have a £25,000 shareholding (face value) or a stake of more than 100th of any class of shares or its total issued share capital. Please specify the parties to the contract, the date of the contract and what the contract is for.
Name of Company
Details of contract
8. Please set out below the address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land within the area of the Authority in which you have a beneficial interest. Also include your home address here
Address/Description of Land
Nature of Interest in Land
The Councillor’s address has been removed from the public domain for safety reasons, following advice from the Monitoring Officer
9. Please specify below the address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land in the area of the Authority, which is owned by the Council and is leased or licensed to you, to any firm in which you are a partner, to any company of which you are a remunerated Director or to any person or body in which you have a shareholding of £25,000 (face value) or a stake of more than 100th of its total issued share capital.
Address/Description of Land
Nature of Interest in land
10. Please set out below the address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land in the Authority's area of which you have a licence (either alone or jointly with others) to occupy for 28 days or more.
Address/Description of Land
11. Do you hold a position of general control or management of a body to which you have been nominated by the Council?
Name of Organisation
Wood Fold Primary School
SEND Governor
12. Do you hold membership of any body exercising functions of a public nature?
Name of Authority
Standish Voice
13. Do you hold membership of any body directed to charitable purposes?
Name of Body
Standish United Charity (No. 224138)
Citizens Advice Wigan Borough
Trustee to the Board
14. Do you hold a position of general control or management of any body one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy?
Name of Body
15. Do you hold membership of Trade Unions or Professional Associations?
Name of Body
16. Have you received a gift or hospitality from any person or body with an estimated value of at least £25?
Name of Person/Body
Amount of gift/hospitality
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