Issue details

Selective Licensing Schemes

Selective Licensing schemes require any private landlords operating in a designated area to obtain a licence in respect of their rental properties, and demonstrate that they meet required standards in relation to property safety and compliance. Such schemes are typically introduced in areas where the local Private Rented Sector (PRS) is particularly poorly managed, and where there are associated issues such as poor housing conditions, high levels of deprivation, ASB and crime.

There are no Selective Licensing Schemes currently in operation in Wigan. The Council are starting to reconsider the position on this as part of our wider efforts to improve the quality and management of the local PRS, and have commenced work on an options appraisal to determine if Selective Licensing would be an appropriate measure, and if so, where in the Borough it should be applied. This report to Cabinet sets out our planned approach to assessing the need for such for such a scheme, the key considerations, and potential routes to implementation.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/12/2024

Open/Closed: Open;

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Confident Places Scrutiny Committee;

Decision due: 20 Mar 2025 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Lead director: Assistant Director - Housing Services

Department: Place

Contact: Amber Barry, Strategic and Private Sector Housing Manager Email: Tel: 01942 489209.

Consultation process



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