Issue details

Logwood Place, Newtown Main Works Contract

The report presents the contract sum and seeks approval to enter contract for the main works for the new homes at Logwood Place, Newtown. A budget and funding update is also given.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2024

Open/Closed: Closed - Reason 3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);

Relevant Scrutiny Committee: Confident Places Scrutiny Committee;

Decision due: 24 Feb 2025 by Director - Place

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Housing and Welfare

Lead director: Director - Place

Department: Place

Contact: Angela Durkin, Team Leader - New Build and Regeneration Email: Tel: 01942 489203.

Consultation process

A full community and stakeholder consultation process was undertaken during the development of the proposals and during the planning process. Including a Statutory Consultation with affected residents. Consultation and engagement will continue throughout the delivery stage of the project.


Background papers

  • There are no background documents.  



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