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Wigan Council
Councillors and Committees
Meetings, agendas and minutes
Declarations of interest
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Ad Hoc Appointments Etc Committee
Adult Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee (disbanded)
Adult Services Panel
Annual General Meeting
Appointments (Ad Hoc) Committee
Ashton and Bryn Township Forum (expired)
Atherton Township Forum (expired)
Audit and Governance Committee
Audit Committee
Audit, Governance and Standards Committee
Building Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Business, Investment and Performance Committee
Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Children and Young Peoples Panel
Children, Young People and Families Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Community Protection Panel
Confident Council Scrutiny Committee
Confident People Scrutiny Committee
Confident Place and Environment Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Economy, Environment, Culture and Housing Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Environment Panel
Environment Review
Establishment (Ad Hoc) Committee
Executive Decision taken by an Officer
Executive decision taken by the Leader of the Council
Golborne and Lowton Township Forum (expired)
Governance, Standards & Audit Committee
Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Health and Wellbeing Board
Hindley and Abram Township Forum (expired)
Honorary Aldermen Nominations Committee
Housing Advisory Panel
Joint meeting of Cabinet and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Joint meeting of Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Joint meeting of Cabinet and the Economy, Environment, Culture and Housing Scrutiny Committee (expired)
Joint meeting of Standards Committee and Audit, Governance and Improvement Review Committee (expired)
Leigh Township Forum (expired)
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub
Licensing Sub Committee
Orrell, Billinge and Winstanley Township Forum (expired)
Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee (re named)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Select Committee No. 1 PACTS
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee No. 1
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee No. 2
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee No. 3
Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee No. 4
Performance Panel
Planning Committee
Regeneration Panel
Regulation Committee
Regulation Sub Committee
Report of Executive Leader
Select Committee 1 - Developing a Gypsy and Traveller Policy
Select Committee 1 - WLCT/Open Spaces
Select Committee 2 - How the Council could make better use of offenders on Community Orders
Select Committee 2 - Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour by Tenants within Wigan and Leigh Housing (expired)
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Single Commissioning Agency
Standards Ad Hoc Sub Committee
Standards Committee
Standish, Aspull and Shevington Township Forum (expired)
Tenants' Committee
Tyldesley and Astley Township Forum (expired)
Wigan & Leigh Housing Board
Wigan and Leigh Homes Board
Wigan North Township Forum (expired)
Wigan South Township Forum (expired)
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Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Personal and Non Prejudical
Personal and Prejudicial
Anderson, Councillor Kevin Anderson B.A (Hons)
Anderton, Councillor Dane Anderton
Blay, Councillor Paul John Blay
Brierley, Councillor Bob Brierley
Brown, Councillor Samantha Brown
Bullen, Councillor Andrew Bullen
Bullen, Councillor Jenny Bullen
Callaghan, Councillor Mary Callaghan
Caren, Councillor Barbara Caren
Churton, Councillor Jim Churton
Collins, Councillor Anne Collins
Collins, Councillor Paul Anthony Collins
Conway, Councillor Ronald Josef Conway
Crosby, Councillor Michael John Crosby
Cullen, Councillor Phyllis Cullen
Cunliffe, Councillor Keith Cunliffe
Davies, Councillor George Davies
Dawber, Councillor Matt Dawber
Draper, Councillor Pat Draper
Eastoe, Councillor Jess Eastoe
Fish, Councillor James Fish
Fletcher, Councillor Danny Fletcher
Flynn, Councillor Laura Flynn
Galligan, Councillor Vicky Galligan
Gambles, Councillor Susan Gambles
Gerrard, Councillor Stuart Andrew Gerrard
Greensmith, Councillor Susan June Greensmith
Gregory, Councillor Jenny Gregory
Guest, Councillor Shelley Guest
Harding, Councillor John Harding
Hodgkinson, Councillor Jamie Hodgkinson
Houlton, Councillor Kathleen Houlton
Hunt, Councillor Lawrence Hunt
Hurst, Councillor David Hurst
Jones, Councillor Steve Jones
Kenny, Councillor Paul Terence Kenny
Klieve, Councillor Yvonne Klieve
Lloyd, Councillor Garry Lloyd BA (Hons), PGCE, MA
Marshall, Councillor Joanne Marshall
McLoughlin, Councillor Michael McLoughlin
McStein, Councillor Lee McStein
Merrett, Councillor Gena Merrett
Molyneux, Councillor David Trevor Molyneux MBE
Molyneux, Councillor Paul Molyneux
Morgan, Councillor Clive William Morgan
Morgan, Councillor Marie Morgan
Mugan, Councillor Terry Mugan
Myler, Councillor Scarlett Myler
Nicholson, Councillor Jim Nicholson
O'Bern, Councillor Maureen O'Bern
O'Brien, Councillor John O'Brien
O'Neill, Councillor Helen O'Neill
Palmer, Councillor James Palmer
Parkinson, Councillor Debbie Parkinson
Prescott, Councillor Jeanette Prescott
Prescott, Councillor Paul Prescott
Ramsdale, Councillor Sheila Ramsdale, M.A Ed.
Ready, Councillor Christopher Ready
Rehman, Councillor Nazia Rehman
Rigby, Councillor Charles Rigby
Rigby, Councillor Eileen Winifred Rigby BA (Hons) Early Years Education
Roberts, Councillor Christine Lillian Roberts BA (Education), PGCE
Sharratt, Councillor Janice Sharratt
Smethurst, Councillor Mrs Eunice Smethurst
Smethurst, Councillor Martyn Smethurst
Smith, Councillor Mike Smith
Talbot, Councillor James Talbot
Taylor, Councillor Barry John Taylor
Tebbutt, Councillor Mark Tebbutt
Vickers, Councillor John Melville Vickers
Wailes, Councillor Debra Susan Ann Wailes
Wakefield, Councillor Paula Wakefield
Walker, Councillor Frederick Bown Walker
Watson, Councillor James Paul Watson BA (Hons) CMIH
Whittingham, Councillor Raymond Whittingham
Whyte, Councillor Tony Whyte
Wilkinson, Councillor Sylvia Wilkinson
Wood, Councillor David Wood, CQSW, Dip SW.
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
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