Outside bodies
There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.
In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.
To find the contact details for the council’s representative on a particular outside body please follow the relevant link.
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
- GMCA Air Quality Administration Committee
- GMCA Audit Committee
- GMCA Bee Network Committee
- GMCA Children's Board
- GMCA Clean Air Charging Authorities Committee
- GMCA Clean Air Scrutiny Committee
- GMCA Culture & Social Impact Fund Committee
- GMCA Green City Region Board
- GMCA Homelessness Programme Board
- GMCA Integrated Care Partnership
- GMCA Overview & Scrutiny Committees
- GMCA Transport for the North - General Purposes Committee
- GMCA Transport for the North - Scrutiny Committee
- GMCA Transport for the North Audit & Governance Committee
- GMCA Work & Skills Forum
- Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Association of Greater Manchester Authorities
- AGMA Executive Board
- Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Greater Manchester Health Scrutiny Committee
- Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel
- Halle
- People's History Museum
- Planning and Housing Commission
- Police and Crime Panel
- Police and Crime Steering Group
- Statutory Functions Committee
Local Government Associations
- General Assembly
- Older People's Champion
- Special Interest Group for Metropolitan Authorities (SIGOMA)
- Greater Manchester Forests Partnership
- North West Borough Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Public Sector PSP
- Salford and Wigan TLP Partnership Limited
- SHAPE Board
- Association for Public Service Excellence
- Astley Green Colliery - Steam Coal and Canal Trust
- Astley Green Colliery Liaison Panel
- Asylum Seekers Providers Forum
- Bridgewater Canal Trust
- Bridgewater Community Health Foundation Trust
- Citizens' Advice Bureau – Wigan, Hindley, Ashton-in-Makerfield and Atherton (joint)
- Corporate Parenting Group
- Cutacre Development Liaison Committee
- Dorset Road Community Centre - Management Committee
- Douglas Valley Community Limited
- Groundwork Lancashire West and Wigan
- Hallgate House Management Committee
- Higher Folds Community Centre Council
- Housing Advisory Panel
- Independent Remuneration Panel (Allowances for Members)
- Industrial Communities Alliance (formerly The Alliance North West)
- Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles
- Leigh Sports Village Ltd
- Leigh Town Board
- Local Access Forum (formerly Public Rights of Way)
- Manchester Airport Group PLC (shareholders representative)
- National Association of British Market Authorities
- North West Employers Organisation
- North West Evergreen Fund
- North West of England and Isle of Man Reserve Forces and Cadet Association
- North West Strategic Scrutiny Network and Member Development Network
- NPS NW Limited
- PATROL Adjudication Joint Committee
- Platt Bridge Community Centre
- Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
- Tobacco Control Alliance
- University of Manchester General Assembly
- Voluntary Town Twinning Committee
- Wigan Access Committee
- Wigan College Board
- Wigan Flashes Conservation and Community Group
- Wigan Metropolitan Development Company
- Wigan, Leigh and District Society for the Blind
- Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Joint Management Committee
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Procurement Holdings Ltd
- Ashton Linen and Woollen Stock Charity
- Brayton Almshouses
- DIAS (Drop In And Share)
- France's and Hilton's Charities
- Frances Duckenfield Charity
- Golborne Charities
- James Charlton Eckersley Charity
- Mather Eleemosynary Charity
- Ring & Ride
- Standish United Charities
- Upholland Grammar School Charity