Parish council
Haigh Parish Council
Every year the Parish Council raises a ‘precept’ from the residents of the Parish. The precept is collected from each household by Wigan Council at the same time as it collects its own Council Tax. The ‘precept’ funds the annual budget set by the Parish Council.
Haigh Parish Council uses its ‘precept’ to fund the activities it undertakes for the benefit of the Parish community.
The activities include:
a) Submitting enquiries on behalf of residents to Wigan Council and other agencies and acting as an intermediary;
b) Lobbying on behalf of the Parish community;
c) Monitoring the environment and reporting issues to the appropriate
agencies with a view to ensuring that they are addressed;
d) Responding to consultations;
e) Making representations in relation to planning applications, as
f) Taking an interest in and monitoring activities at Haigh Hall and within
Haigh Country Park and their impact on the life of the community;
g) Supporting conservation activities in relation to local heritage sites;
h) Supporting the activities of schools in the Parish;
i) Supporting the activities of community groups;
j) Providing public benches at various locations in the Parish.
The Council is committed to serving its residents and to providing best value at all times.
Contact information
Krystyna Pilkington
Clerk to Haigh Parish Council
Phone: 01257 473022